Thursday, April 12, 2012

Media Blitz

I did a "media blitz" yesterday for Lendable. And by media blitz I mean that I posted on a bunch of Android forums, so yeah, pretty low cost ($0). I just want to get the word out about Lendable and let everyone know how useful I think it could be for you. One person replied to me: "I think, This app is going to rock the world. It is a new thing for people." I agree with that. Well, maybe not rock the world per se...probably just gently nudge the world. But still, this is a clean and slick app that will be of genuine use to you and is super easy to use. Plus, there is a free version with ALL the same features. Give it a try!

Here is a link to Lendable's Twitter page:

Also, shout out to a bloke in Great Britain for being the first to buy the paid version of Lendable!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Why You Should Give Lendable a Try

My wife's favorite coat was gone. Magenta leather and pretty snazzy if you ask me. I guess someone else felt that way, too. She lent it to someone, forgot who, and then never got it back. Thanks to the human condition called "crappy memory", this seems to be the story for a lot of people I know. Heck, I've done it to one of my acquaintances and kept a chef's knife he gave me. I think I may have even re-lent it to someone else.

Lendable is going to make sure this never happens to you. When you lend your stuff, you take less than one minute in Lendable to record your kind gesture and make sure you get your stuff back. It works for money, too. It's also great if you're a good soul that wants to record stuff you've borrowed from your friends so you don't forget to give it back.

Lendable serves as an IOU system; a rent/bill reminder; a debt collector; not to mention a snazzy way to see all your stuff in one place. It sends reminder text messages, lets you take pictures of your stuff (I take a mug shots of my friends with my stuff), scans barcodes, puts reminders in your calendar and a whole slew of other stuff. Check out the free version (fully featured) on Google Play and make sure you never forget your stuff again!

Link to app on Android:

Monday, April 2, 2012

Permissions Explained

One of the greatest features of Android is permissions. Android is very clear about all the things that it allows an app to do on your device; it is there to protect you. It can be scary sometimes to see the permissions that an app asks from you, especially if you have no idea why it wants them. I just wanted to explain the permissions that Lendable asks for to ease your mind:

STORAGE: Pictures you take for entries are stored on the device's SD card. Also, if you choose to export data as CSV file, that file will be saved to the SD card. Both are optional features that you can choose not to use.

NETWORK COMMUNICATION: This gives the app Internet access, which is used for the ads (in the Free version) and for the barcode scanner (to retrieve the product name). The barcode scanner is an optional feature and is only used if you explicitly do so.

YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION: Each entry has an optional calendar item that can be added to, modified and deleted from your device's built-in calendar. Again, this is optional for you. Also, Lendable uses your device's built-in contacts to make it easier for you to indicate who you are borrowing from or lending to. The app can only read the contacts and nothing else.

SEND SMS: You can configure automatic text messages to be sent as reminders to borrowers. Again, this is an optional, not required, feature.

NETWORK COMMUNICATION: This permission means that the app checks to see if the device is connected to the Internet so it can decide to show ads or if the barcode scanner will work.

AUTOMATICALLY START AT BOOT: The Android OS wipes all alarms when the device is reset. In order to keep the alarms consistent, Lendable needs to automatically start after a reboot and reconfigure the alarm reminders. It only starts a background service that you never see and does not start the app's graphical interface.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to email me at if you need any further clarification.

Lendable Launch

Launched Lendable v1.0 on Google Play today!

Lendable keeps track of your lent and borrowed items and money so that you'll never forget about them again!

Lendable lets you see all of the stuff you've lent or borrowed all in one place. When you lend or borrow something or owe someone money, just create a quick entry and Lendable will remind you about it later, create calendar items, and much more. Use Lendable as a debt and IOU tracker or just to make sure you don't forget to get your stuff back.

-Lend and borrow items and money
-View all currently lent items/money and how long they've been out
-Edit current entries
-Set entries as recurring for any amount of time
-Scan an item's barcode for easy entry
-Select borrower/lender from your contacts
-Take pictures of items or people when you create entries
-Write a note for each entry
-Personal reminder notifications
-SMS reminders to the borrower
-Repeating late reminders
-Add entries to your device's calendar
-A library of all the items you've ever lent or borrowed
-Set default currency or create your own
-Export data to CSV

I'd appreciate a rating and any feedback! Please feel free to email me with any problems or feature requests.

For an explanation of permissions, visit the developer site, or follow this direct link: